no problem


no problem 的定义

  1. Also, no sweat; not to worry. There's no difficulty about this, don't concern yourself. For example, Of course I can change your tire—no problem, or You want more small change? no sweat, or We'll be there in plenty of time, not to worry. The first of these colloquial terms dates from about 1960 and the second from about 1950. The third, originating in Britain in the 1930s and using not to with the sense of “don't,” crossed the Atlantic in the 1970s.

no problem 近义词

no problem

等同于 attainable

no problem

等同于 nothing to it

no problem

等同于 obtainable

no problem

等同于 simple

no problem

等同于 uncomplicated

no problem

等同于 easy

no problem

等同于 effortless

no problem

等同于 you're welcome

no problem

等同于 snap

更多no problem例句

  1. Several times, either because they forgot or they had a technical problem, they connected directly, and we could see them.
  2. Every once in a while, they act swiftly and acknowledge the problem.
  3. Or has the see and hear and speak-no-evil stance of the Republican House persuaded him that he is in the clear?
  4. Part of the problem is the mandate of the war and the means with which the U.S. is fighting it do not match up.
  5. The third problem is the evidence of corroborating witnesses.
  6. And now let me come to the second problem we opened up in connection with college education—the problem of its extension.
  7. No man can believe it who tests it by his reason in the same way in which he would test any modern problem.
  8. My No. 4239 addressed to Maxwell and repeated to you was sent before receiving your telegram under reply.
  9. But the essential problem of to-day is to know how far we are to depart from its principles.
  10. We notice that more attention is given to the problem of placing a feature than to that of making a likeness of it.